For Performance and Rehabilitation
"For of him, and through him, and to him, are all things: to whom be glory forever. Amen.
Romans 11:36

Foundational Therapy,
Joint Mobilization, and More
Initial sessions are an in-depth look at your horse from head to hoof to tail. I will EVALUATE their musculature, posture, and diet if desired. We will develop a plan based on your goals. Are you looking to make them more comfortable in their retirement, returning from an injury (with vet clearance), or taking their performance to the next level? Whatever your goals are, we will work together to make them come true. If it is beyond my scope, I have many wonderful resources to refer to all over Texas, be it trainers, farriers/barefoot trimmers, dentists, vets, or chiropractors!
EFT is a gentle and rhythmic approach (no thrusting like chiropractic, but as effective, if not more, in many cases) and very effective in correcting gait abnormalities, saddle fitting issues, and mysterious lameness issues. These moves release and keep (with custom exercise plans) the skeleton in proper form and function. This helps the body to load the joints and hooves correctly. Also, deep muscle unwinding from the inside out gives the horse a taller and longer body, and it looks like it had been vacuum sealed prior. After a single session, I “punctured the seals,” making them fuller and smoother. The key is to release the 1st rib, which has been out in most foals since birth. This creates high/low syndrome in the front hooves and has a global effect. Most equine professionals, including holistic equine modalities, do not always address these issues, so you are always working on the ‘symptom’ and not the cause, which is why the chiropractic issues come back.
I also use Acupressure to help balance their Meridian systems and Cranial Sacral Work to go deeper and release the inner core muscles and Fascia all over the body. This fascia release also helps the organs relax and glide internally as they should.
EDUCATE and FACILITATE. As mentioned, if desired, we can also go over corrective exercises to improve their posture, tone, and functionality and evaluate your feed program to remove or add a few things to help them thrive!
Per Session $125

Cranial Decompression
I manually and energetically release and decompress the horse's cranial bones from past head traumas. Traumas, if left untreated, such as pullbacks, can lead to symptoms like spooking, head shaking, uveitis, and hooks and waves in teeth, leading to TMJ and digestive issues, and so on. (Included in Sessions as needed).
Therapeutic Essential Oil Hot Towel Compress Treatment
I offer several essential oils for your horse to smell. As they show interest in particular EOs, I blend them, making a custom blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils for your horse's needs/wants based on their interest. We can also look up the properties of EOs to combat inflammation, bacteria, parasites, etc., which will then be added to an organic/non-GMO carrier oil and applied to your horse’s spine using a hot towel compress. My clients fondly call this Spa Day. (This is not a diagnostic; it is just a known property of the oils).
$25 Add-On
Kinesiology Taping
Manual therapies used in sessions with me are various highly effective compression techniques that range from "gently asking" to "telling" the stagnation and tension in the tissue to move out. We then want fresh, healing, oxygenated blood to return to repair and lubricate that tissue. Kinesiology Taping DE-compresses the areas it is applied to further encourage all that healing goodness to come back into those areas by gently lifting the hair follicles and skin. The tape is also a wonderful tool for your horse's proprioception, aka body awareness, when retraining their brain/body connection when returning from an injury or EPM.
$25-$75 Add-On

A Bit About Myself and What I Do
Hello! My name is Layla Harris. I was born and raised in California, where my mom owned and operated a sales and lesson barn. I had the incredible privilege of riding 100s of horses while growing up and having my mom ingrain into me that horses are sentient beings and high-performance athletes that need care as any professional athlete might. For a horse, as with any professional athlete, it takes a village of experts who train both horse and rider, specializing in saddle fitting, nutrition, perfectly balanced hooves, teeth, and so on. In this village, I minister to their health via a balanced mind, body, and nervous system. It is all connected, as it is in us.
We always had the best vets, chiropractors, farriers, etc.
But something was still missing. When drugs or surgeries would not help the horse, we were left feeling hopeless and disempowered.
That’s when I became motivated to seek out other possibilities! I began using red and infrared LED light therapy on my horses and got excellent results! Next came learning the importance of detoxing my horses, and my curiosity led me to search out and apply new and effective modalities. I’ve been a professional BodyWorker since 2014, and my education continues. I also desire to empower other horse lovers who may wonder how to become more self-reliant in their horse’s care. In July 2019, I became a Certified Instructor to teach Holistic Horsework's Level 1 Clinics. In March of 2020, I became Certified to teach Levels 2&3. In November 2022, I resigned, and I'm currently developing a course called Equine Foundational Therapy.
(Check my EFT Course page tab for current clinic offerings).
In 2016, my husband and our two sons picked up and moved to Texas to plant roots. We now live in beautiful Central Texas! I have met and worked with many amazing human being and their equine partners. I’m humbled and grateful for their openness and big hearts for entrusting me with their healing journeys! In April of 2021, we welcomed a baby girl, Elliana Joy, who you'll more than likely meet during our visits! :)
More on about what I do;
Currently, I offer Holistic and Integrative Equine Bodywork. I take a holistic approach and evaluate your horse from head to hoof. I use multiple modalities, including acupressure, musculoskeletal unwinding, essential oils, Myofascial Release, joint mobilization, and osteopathic-type moves to help restore balance in your horse's head, body and vitality. My specialty is helping those with mysterious lamenesses and keeping your athlete tip-top for competition or comfort in their retirement. No job is too big or too small. I then leave you, the horse owner, a report and some strategies/homework for continued success between visits! I've worked with and have helped hundreds of horses and their owners get to the "root" of many issues and strengthen their bond along the way!
I am not a vet or chiropractor, and I do not replace them. I like to think I help to fill in a few gaps between them, and as a whole, all of the bases will be covered on your horse's journey to healing and maintaining good health. I look forward to getting to know you and your crew! Contact me today to help your equine partner feel their best.
Based in Central TX, I will travel with met minimums.
God Bless and Happy Healing!
Based out of College Station, Tx
Will Travel. Minimums May Apply.
Tues. - Fri.: 9am - 5pm
Central Standard Time